Help Hub

While we have many laughs with our guests throughout the series, we do explore some subjects which may be upsetting and triggering for some.

Issues explored, include:

• Anxiety
• Depression
• Self-harm
• Suicide ideation or planned suicide
• Post-natal depression (PND)
• Imprisonment
• Parental imprisonment
• Alcohol and substance abuse
• Trauma
• Post traumatic stress ‘disorder’ (PTS‘D’)
• Complex post-traumatic stress ‘disorder’ (CPTS‘D’)

We want you to know that you are not alone and that help is available.

This Hub includes easily accessible UK-based resources that we have found helpful. We hope that you do, too.

In the case of anxiety, depression, self-harm, suicide ideation or a planned suicide, you can reach out to the following (be it for yourself, or on behalf of someone you are concerned about):

NHS 111 

Call 111 – 24 hours every day

The samaritans

Call free of charge, on 116 123



The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service – visit their website to choose from a range of useful resources:

ADHD Babes

ADHD Babes is a support group for Black women and Black non-binary African-Caribbean ADH‘D’ers. Visit their website to access a range of useful resources


Appropriate Adults UK provides support to juveniles and vulnerable adults held under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (P.A.C.E) Codes of Practice for the Detention Treatment and Questioning of Persons by Police Officers or being interviewed by any statutory organisation.

They help individuals who, because of disability, illness, social exclusion and other challenges, find it difficult to express their views or get the support they need.

Visit their website for information, at 

During her interview, Katie Price heaped thanks upon the Appropriate Adult service, which, as she explained, made a critical difference in helping her to better process and understand legal issues and what she needed to do, to help improve outcomes for herself.

Black SEND Mamas

An organisation and support group for black SEND mothers which aims to break down barriers and build inclusivity through its services. Find out more on their website at

Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation

This website is full of diverse resources to help individuals experiencing body dysmorphia, as well as their family. Visit their website to choose from a range of useful resources at

Mind’s online information on body dysmorphia also has some useful resources that you might wish to explore. Visit their dedicated page at

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)

Call 0800 58 58 58 – 5pm to midnight every day

Visit the webchat page at

Please note: the webchat opens from 5pm


For children and young people under 19.

Call 0800 1111 – the number will not show up on your phone bill.

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a type of talking therapy. It’s based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), but it’s specially adapted for people who feel emotions very intensely. Visit Mind’s dedicated page at 

First Light

This organisation offers free support to anyone who has been sexually abused by someone in the Church, or as a result of their relationship with the Church of England, the Catholic Church in England and Wales or the Church in Wales.

For further information, visit their website at

HM Government Sexual Abuse Support Campaign

This website provides a comprehensive list of support for both female and male survivors of childhood sexual abuse, as well as those who have survived rape and sexual assault as a result of domestic abuse. You can find their comprehensive list of helpline services at

Keep Your Cool Toolbox

This X2 award-winning FREE app was designed by me, Dr Mine Conkbayir.

I designed this app during the first lockdown, to help parents, foster carers, childminders, Early Years professionals and teachers to access quick and effective ways to help children and young people to better manage their emotions.

The tools in this Toolbox are provided by Early Years professionals, mindfulness experts, parents and foster carers – each of whom feature in this app. Give it a go!

The app is available on Android phones and has its own website:



Prevention of young suicide.

Visit their webchat page at

Call 0800 068 41 41

Text 07860 039967


Pre and Postnatal Depression Advice and Support (PANDAS)

Visit their website to choose from a range of useful resources:



Safe spaces

This organisation offers support to anyone who has been sexually abused by someone in the Church, or as a result of their relationship with the Church of England, the Catholic Church in England and Wales or the Church in Wales – no matter how long ago. You do not have to have told the police or the church authorities and you do not have to still be involved with the church.

For further information, visit their website at

You can call them on 0300 303 1056 (answerphone available outside of opening times)

Email them at

Sibling Link

A support group for adults over 18 who have a brother or sister living with mental health issues


Visit their website, at

SOS Silence of Suicide

Call 0808 115 1505 – 8pm to midnight Monday to Friday, 4pm to midnight Saturday and Sunday



Stompcast is a Podcast hosted by Dr Alex George. Its aim is to support Dr. George’s mission to get people out walking and enjoying the benefits of nature, for their mind and body.

You can listen to Stompcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. 


Tommy’s Pregnancy and Baby Charity

Call the Tommy’s Midwives’ Helpline, which is a freephone line open 9-5, Monday to Friday, staffed by their specialist team of midwives, for anyone who needs advice, reassurance or support on any pregnancy issue – including mental health, on  0800 0147 800

You can also book your call with their Black and Black Mixed-Heritage Helpline, on

Visit their website concerning PND, at’re%20feeling%20like,Stephanie%2C%20mum%20of%202

For anyone affected by imprisonment, parental imprisonment, alcohol and substance abuse or trauma, you can reach out to the following (be it for yourself, or on behalf of someone you are concerned about):


Action for families enduring criminal trauma offering face to face or telephone counselling, telephone support, group meetings, befriending, court support, training and presentations.

Call 0300 365 3651

Alcoholics Anonymous

Call their free helpline, on 0800 917 7650



Alcohol Change UK

Alcohol Change UK, at

This website is packed with accessible information, tips and interactive tools to help you reduce your alcohol intake – and the benefits of doing so.

Their practical guide to reducing alcohol intake is also worth checking out – not only because of Lee Mack’s contribution to it!:

Try Dry: The Official Guide to a Month Off Booze.

A no-nonsense official guide to an alcohol-free month, by Alcohol Change UK – with Foreword by comedian, Lee Mack.

Available to purchase here:


A national anti-drug advisory service

Call their helpline, on 0300 123 6600

Text 82111

Visit their website, at

Email via their contact page, at

NAPAC (National Association for People Abused in Childhood)

Call their helpline on 0808 801 0331



Prison Advice & Care Trust (Pact)

The national charity providing support to prisoners, people with convictions, and their families

Call their prisoners’ families helpline, free of charge, on 0808 808 2003


Prison Chat UK

An online community for anyone with a loved one in prison

Visit their website, at



Rape Crisis England and Wales

Rape Crisis England and Wales is a feminist charity working to end sexual violence and abuse. They are also the membership organisation for Rape Crisis centres across England and Wales.

You can contact their 24/7 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line, free of charge, and speak to one of their specialists – at any time of the day or night, on

0808 500 2222

Visit their website to start a free online chat, at


A charity providing specialist support for women and children experiencing domestic violence

Call their helpline on 0808 2000 247

Visit their webchat page at


Survivors of Incest Anonymous (SIA)

Survivors of Incest Anonymous (SIA) – offers a mutual-help, 12-Step programme, Survivors of Incest Anonymous. They offer virtual and in-person meetings, dependent on location, as this is a U.S-based resource.

Find out more at

UK Narcotics Anonymous

UK Narcotics Anonymous (UKNA) is a community of people who have overcome their drug problem, to support each other to achieve and maintain a drug-free life.

It costs nothing to be a UKNA member; you are a member of UKNA when you say you are – and there are no waiting lists for UKNA. If anyone wants to attend a meeting, they just need to show up.

Visit their website at

Call their helpline between 10.00am – midnight, on 0300 999 1212

Victim Support

An independent charity in England and Wales that provides support to people affected by crime and trauma

Call their helpline on 08 08 16 89 111

Visit their webchat page at


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